Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Gambar Modifikasi motor balap Stree strong Machine

Gambar Modifikasi motor balap Stree strong Machine
So that you do not have any wrong, see some tips from Budi UF, one of Jatayu modifikator Motorsport famous enough among Username Jakarta. According to Budi, the modifications that must be seen as the main function of the vehicle, that is still safe and comfortable dikendarai. Modifications should also consider the safety element.
"Therefore, modifications in the right should not simply create a more comfortable vehicle to be seen, but must also be able to increase the element of safety, security and convenience," said chemical engineering graduate of the University of Jayabaya force is 94.
The owner must also consider the role that main motor akan dimodif. Whether the motor for the exhibition, out only once a week just to chat with friends sehobi, or even daily use.

"Therefore, modifications in the right should not simply create a more comfortable vehicle to be seen, but must also be able to increase the element of safety, security and convenience," said chemical engineering graduate of the University of Jayabaya force is 94.
The owner must also consider the role that main motor akan dimodif. Whether the motor for the exhibition, out only once a week just to chat with friends sehobi, or even daily use.

Gambar Modifikasi motor balap Stree strong Machine

Modifikasi motor balap is not something new in Indonesia. Start the simple to the extreme, it's easy once found in the streets of major cities in this country. Unfortunately, in the modification, the motorcycle owners often ignore the factors that will cause a negative impact, both for vehicles and for publish.
Macam Aliran Modif Satria FU
Yap ciri aliran yg satu ini bisa di bilang lg booming bgt,cuz gk perlu banyak yang di modif karna hanya menonjolkan satu ciri aja,missal yang paling menonjol adalah penggunaan velk Spoke Wheel / Jari – jari
Ciri khas utama:
-Velg Jari – jari
-Aksesoris Bolt On
-Ban Kecil
-Saluran Knalput Racing,dll
Yap Dsini masih ada unsure Old School Nya jg,dmn penggunaan velg jari2 sangat di wajibkan,kenapa??biar makin enteng lha tarikaaaan nya,heuheuheu
Ciri Khas:
-Stang Jepit Aftermarket
-Velg Jari2
-Ban Kecil
-Trondol / Body Semi Open
-Penggunaan Full Parts racing ( Jeroan Mesin Sampe Knalpot,,Wajib Bgt )
Aliran Ini Lebih sedikit merombak Fu untuk Gaya2an aja siy,FU standarnya aja dah keren,apa lagi di tambah ini itu..euheueh
Ciri khas :
-Body Full Airbrush / Cat Unique
-Rangka dan Kaki2 Berlapis Chrome
-Full Acc (Racing gk Wajib)
Aliran Ini lebih menonjolkan aura balap untuk FU nya,maybe ada yang sampe ngeggunain acc Full Racing
Ciri Khas :
-Foot step Underbond
-Knalpot Racing
-Body Simple Collor
-Penggunaan Ban Besar
-Velg Masih Racing
-Jeroan sampe Part Penunjang Full Racing
-Gp Look
-Body Custom
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Gambar Modifikasi Smash motor lawas dari suzuki
Ternyata ngak banyak juga foto atau gambar modifikasi suzuki smash di google dari sana saya hanya menemukan beberapa gambar yang cocok dan lainya memang ngaco dan bukan modifikasi motor smash
Nah mungkin sedikit saja cuma itu yang ingin ane Informasikan sekedar mengenang kenangan motor suzuki smash soalnya dulu saya memang pernah punya ni motor dengan berjalannya waktu sudah kalah tenar.
tag:cafe racer, Modifikator, motor super, RADO2 Corsa, streetfighter, supermoto,
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